Home About Us News Insights News and Insights MPs debate petition to extend paid maternity leave in light of COVID-19 Policy Insight8th October 2020 Westminster Hall debate on a petition relating to the impact of COVID-19 on maternity and parental leave. Department of Health publishes updated COVID-19 guidance for childcare providers Policy Insight5th October 2020 Important information on managing COVID-19 for childcare settings. Employers For Childcare maintains high levels of customer satisfaction Press Release1st October 2020 Latest survey shows parents and employers overwhelmingly happy with our service. Child Trust Funds starting to mature for children turning 18 Policy Insight28th September 2020 Find out how your child can access any Child Trust Fund savings. Coronavirus: What does the Chancellor’s Winter Economy Plan mean for families and employers? Policy Insight24th September 2020 Our analysis of the Chancellor’s Winter Economy Plan and how it will affect jobs. Education Minister addresses All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare Press Release21st September 2020 Update provided on support schemes for the childcare sector and progress towards new Childcare Strategy. Managing COVID-19: Advice for employers and working parents Policy Insight14th September 2020 Employees may need greater flexibility than usual to balance work and caring responsibilities. Employers For Childcare launches important survey for parents Press Release8th September 2020 Share your experience of childcare and work during COVID-19 to inform policy makers. Family Benefits Advice Service now offering online advice sessions for parent groups Press Release8th September 2020 Online webinars provide advice on financial support and entitlements for families. Back to school but it’s definitely not back to business as usual for parents or employers Policy Insight4th September 2020 Children are returning to classrooms but what does this mean for working arrangements for parents? 1…3940414243…64