Home About Us News Insights News and Insights Working parents being let down by Government Press Release3rd October 2018 Closure of childcare vouchers - Government lets down working parents Employers For Childcare’s Autumn 2018 Budget Submission Policy Insight1st October 2018 Employers For Childcare’s Autumn 2018 Budget Submission What does having a baby mean for working parents? Policy Insight27th September 2018 Does pregnancy stall your career? How can employers promote flexible working? Policy Insight20th September 2018 Have you heard of 'flexism' in the workplace? UN Special Rapporteur visit to the UK Policy Insight17th September 2018 Employers For Childcare submits evidence People power can #SaveChildcareVouchers Press Release7th September 2018 Lobby your MP to keep Childcare Vouchers open Employers – get behind campaign to #SaveChildcareVouchers Press Release7th September 2018 Business pledge to Save Childcare Vouchers What’s the latest re: 30 hours free childcare or early education? Policy Insight5th September 2018 30 hours free childcare Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Inquiry: Education funding in Northern Ireland Policy Insight31st August 2018 Employers For Childcare responds to Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Inquiry. Parents must act now to future proof childcare cost savings Press Release14th August 2018 Childcare Vouchers are closing to new entrants on 4 October - parents need to act now to join the scheme before it closes 1…5152535455…64