Home About Us News Insights News and Insights What does the 2017 Budget mean for working families? Policy Insight22nd November 2017 A summary of today's Budget announcement and the impact of this on working families. Employers For Childcare finalist in the UK Social Enterprise Awards 2017 Press Release20th November 2017 Employers For Childcare is delighted to have been shortlisted in two categories at the UK Social Enterprise Awards 2017 taking place this Thursday 23rd November Employers For Childcare saves families over £14.8 million Press Release16th November 2017 Employers For Childcare launches its Social Impact Report 2016/17 today, Social Enterprise Day. Updated Factsheets for Parents now Available! Policy Insight7th November 2017 Employers For Childcare have updated a library of factsheets to inform parents of all their rights and entitlements. Are you missing out on financial entitlements? Press Release2nd November 2017 On the day that interest rates have gone up for the first time in 10 years, it's even more important that parents know about financial help available to them. Childcare costs rise up to seven times faster than wages Press Release20th October 2017 Employers For Childcare will soon release a report on the cost of childcare in Northern Ireland and the impact it has on local families. Employers For Childcare welcomes NICCY’s call to Address Child Poverty Press Release17th October 2017 You can support their campaign by visiting their iCampaigner page, where you can send a letter to your MLA asking them to take action on child poverty. Do you use Employers For Childcare’s Childcare Vouchers? Press Release13th October 2017 Help us celebrate Social Saturday tomorrow by tweeting using the hashtag #SocialSaturday In times of Austerity & Organisational Change—Belfast City Council Crowned Family Friendly Employer of the Year! Press Release27th September 2017 The Family Friendly Employer Awards took place on Tuesday 26th September to recognise employers who provide and actively promote family friendly policies. Judging of the Family Friendly Employer Awards 2017 – we have our Winners! Policy Insight15th September 2017 Winners will be announced at our Awards Ceremony on Tuesday 26th September at the luxury Galgorm Resort and Spa. 1…5556575859…64