Home About Us News Insights News and Insights 2016 Round Up Policy Insight20th December 2016 2016 has been a year to remember for many reasons; this article runs down through each of the main developments which have impacted on parents and families 5 ways to become a Family Friendly Employer! Policy Insight14th December 2016 New findings by CIPD show that on average only 5% of dads and 8% of new mums have taken Shared Parental Leave since it was introduced in April 2015. Launch of the seventh annual NI Childcare Cost Survey Press Release29th November 2016 A quarter of Northern Ireland parents are turning to family and friends, 5% are reaching for high interest payday loans just to cover the costs of childcare. What the Autumn Statement means for Families Policy Insight24th November 2016 Yesterday Chancellor Philip Hammond gave his first Autumn Statement. Want better work-life balance? Press Release16th November 2016 Adopting a flexible working pattern can be hugely beneficial in helping you to balance your work responsibilities with your family commitments. 24% of Local Children Live in Poverty – It’s time to invest in childcare Press Release8th November 2016 New statistics released by the End Child Poverty Coalition show that the rate of child poverty across the UK has increased. As the Benefit Cap lowers – will you be affected? Policy Insight3rd November 2016 From Monday 7 November households in Northern Ireland will be impacted by a further cut to the Benefit Cap. Ahead of the Autumn Statement CBI Calls for £2bn Investment in Childcare Press Release1st November 2016 CBI recommend offering 15 hours of universal childcare per week for all children aged between one and four years old. Still confused about Tax-Free Childcare? Policy Insight21st October 2016 To clear up some of the confusion about the upcoming Tax-Free Childcare scheme, here are some of the answers to the main questions we have been asked. What is a Personal Tax Account and should I register for one? Policy Insight19th August 2016 HMRC introduced a Personal Tax Account system in 2015. Over 3.5million people are already signed up and using the new system. 1…596061626364