Home About Us News Insights News and Insights Refocus of the Northern Ireland Economic Strategy: Call for Evidence 15th August 2016 Following Assembly elections in May 2016, the Executive wished to consider how the Economic Strategy should be refocused to reflect current economic conditions. What do the Bank of England’s Announcements mean for your Family? Policy Insight4th August 2016 The Bank of England today (Thursday 4 August 2016) announced that it would cut interest rates to 0.25%, the first time the rate has been cut since 2009... Kirsty Blackwell MP needs a Family Friendly Employer too! Policy Insight4th July 2016 An MP has been censured by Commons authorities for bringing her children to work. Like many other working parents at this time of year, Kirsty Blackman... Tax Credit Renewal Deadline is Looming! Policy Insight6th June 2016 An MP has been censured by Commons authorities for bringing her children to work. Like many other working parents at this time of year, Kirsty Blackman... Universal Credit Delayed until 2018 – How will this impact NI Claimants? Press Release11th May 2016 The Department of Communities has advised that the introduction of Universal Credit in Northern Ireland will be delayed until autumn next year, eight... Choosing Childcare in Northern Ireland Policy Insight11th April 2016 Employers For Childcare has published new research which explores over 1,000 local parents’ experiences of looking for childcare for the first time. They... Flexible Working is Key to Attaining Work-Life Balance – but Beware of the Unsupportive Employer Policy Insight2nd April 2016 CIPD's findings highlight that the top three causes of stress for employees are money worries, the demands of their job and family and relationship issues. Employers For Childcare Manifesto Press Release1st April 2016 Employers For Childcare Charitable Group’s Manifesto 2016 sets out the key social policy issues which we believe should be prioritised by policy makers. Parents are Confused About Childcare Support Press Release19th March 2016 Almost half of new mums are confused about the Government’s support for the cost of childcare, according to a new report. Claiming Help with the Cost of Childcare Policy Insight16th March 2016 Childcare is a necessity for working parents, yet the high cost of childcare services can call into question whether it is worthwhile to be in work at all. 1…6061626364