Employers For Childcare General Election manifesto 2024

Childcare is a critical part of our economic and social infrastructure. Just as we need high quality roads and railways, we need a high quality childcare system, that enables parents to work and supports children’s long-term development. The 2024 Westminster election presents a real opportunity for our political parties and elected representatives to set out an ambitious platform for how investment in childcare can contribute to a better economy and society.

Employers For Childcare’s 2024 General Election manifesto sets out key issues that must be addressed as priorities at Westminster, for the benefit of children and parents, for the labour market and economy, and for society as a whole. Evidenced through our work and research we present clear ‘calls to action’ for our new MPs. If enacted, these will have a real, positive impact on all of our people.

Employers For Childcare’s policy manifesto includes the following five key asks ahead of the 2024 General Election. All are centred around our key aims of supporting parents with dependent children to get into and stay in work. We seek to achieve this by ensuring all parents know what financial support they are entitled to with their registered childcare costs.

  1. Increase the support available with Tax-Free Childcare from 20% to 30% and remove the £2,000 per year annual cap
  2. Reopen the Childcare Voucher scheme to new entrants
  3. Ensure all parents benefit from the financial support they are entitled to with registered childcare costs
  4. Extend the right to request flexible working from day one to include Northern Ireland
  5. Provide practical support for employers that makes it easier and incentivises them to set up a workplace nursery scheme.

When candidates come to your door ahead of the election, ask them what they will do to achieve each of these five key asks.

Find out more about each of our five key asks by downloading our manifesto here.

To discuss our manifesto, or for more information, contact Aoife Hamilton by emailing  strategy@employersforchildcare.org.