Children and Young People’s Strategy 2017-27

Children and Young People's Strategy 2017-27

The previous ten year strategy for children and young people 2006-2016 – ‘Our Children and Young People – Our Pledge’ – set out a shared vision that all our children and young people would thrive and look forward with confidence to the future.  The Government is now seeking to build on the work that has already been done and develop, in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders, including children and young people, a new strategy for 2017 – 2027.

We welcome the draft strategy and its recognition that the well-being of children and young people is central to the development of a progressive, cohesive and prosperous society.

In our response, we highlight the role that an effective childcare infrastructure can play in helping to lift children and young people out of poverty and in improving educational and health outcomes. We also advocate a stronger emphasis on early intervention. We provide a number of suggestions for additional indicators that will make for a more robust strategy that can deliver real and meaningful progress against outcomes.

For further information on the consultation see: Children and young people’s strategy 2017-2027