Don’t miss out on Child Benefit for older children still in education or training

What is Child Benefit?

Child Benefit is increasingly becoming an underclaimed benefit, especially with new parents or parents with two or more children, however it is an important source of financial support for families and there is no limit to how many children you can claim for.

There are two Child Benefit rates, £25.60 per week for the eldest or only child and £16.95 per week for other children in the household.

For more information on Child Benefit, download our factsheet here.

Ensure Child Benefit continues beyond age 16

Child Benefit is payable to adults who are responsible for a child up until the 31 August on or after their 16th birthday. However, if the child remains in approved, non-advanced education or training Child Benefit can continue until their 20th birthday.

Approved, non-advanced education and training can include A levels, NVQ level 3 and Foundation Apprenticeships. It is your responsibility to tell Child Benefit if your child is returning to education or training, failure to do so will result in your Child Benefit claim stopping and this also could also affect other related benefits such as Tax Credits or Universal Credit. For full details on what is included as approved, non-advanced education and training, and how to inform the Child Benefit Office go to

Apply for Child Benefit even if you are not entitled to payments

If one individual in the household earns over £60,000 per year the Child Benefit entitlement is reduced through the ‘High Income Child Benefit Tax Charge’. For every £1,000 earned above £60,000, the Child Benefit entitlement will reduce by 5% and where a single earner in the household earns £80,000 or more, entitlement to Child Benefit will cease. More information is available at

If you are affected by the Tax Charge you can choose not to receive Child Benefit payment, however you should still complete the Child Benefit form, because in doing so you will ensure you continue to get National Insurance credits towards your State Pension and your child will automatically be issued with their National Insurance number when they turn 16.

Contact the Family Benefits Advice Service for more information

For more information on Child Benefit including how to claim for older children, contact the Family Benefits Advice Service on 028 9267 8200 or email