Parents – share your views on how we can solve poverty in Northern Ireland

The Department for Communities is developing a new plan to end poverty in Northern Ireland. An initial report has been prepared by an Expert Panel advising on its development, making important recommendations about the key actions that should be included and what issues need to be addressed. This is available here.

From talking to parents, we know that poverty is a real concern for many families in Northern Ireland. We also know that you will have important information to share, such as how worries about money impact on your family, but also ideas for solutions that can help to ensure no child and no family is living in poverty.

Employers For Childcare and Parenting NI are part of a group helping to inform the plan – and are keen to hear your views and experience. We are hosting two small online discussion sessions and would like to invite you to join us:

· Tuesday 20 April at 11am

· Tuesday 20 April at 7pm

Each session will last no more than an hour and won’t be too formal. You don’t need to prepare in advance, just bring a cup of tea! Sessions will be confidential, so while we will write up the feedback, all participants will be anonymous.

To join us, please email and say which session you would like to attend.

No family should be living in poverty, thank you in advance for taking the time to share your views on how we can make this a reality.