What does having a baby mean for working parents?

Here’s what our Reasearch Officer Alexandra Chapman has to say:

“New research by a YouGov survey found one in five employers admit that if a woman is pregnant or has children it has an impact on their decisions about whether to promote them. We’ve known for many years the challenges that working parents face, and the impact becoming a parent has on a person’s employment, working life and career. In 2018, these statistics are very concerning for parents, particularly women, in the workforce. It is crucial that employees are supported by employers through family friendly initiatives in the workplace”.

“Our research with parents revealed almost half of respondents (45%) reported difficulty in progressing their careers after having children and find parenthood to be incompatible with senior roles of responsibility. We also found 60% of parents who changed employers after maternity leave worked in organisations which offered little or no family friendly working policies to staff”.

“For any employers who would like more guidance please see our Family Friendly Employer Guide which sets out how you can create a family friendly culture for employees by designing and constructing working arrangements and policies that suits their needs. Our guide also highlights how employers, organisations and the workforce can reap the benefits of a family friendly working environment”.

Did you know Employers For Childcare recognises employers who go above and beyond in supporting their staff? We do this through our annual Family Friendly Employer Awards. We look forward to revealing our 2018 winners at our Awards ceremony and celebration in Galgorm Resort and Spa on Wednesday 24 October.

If you are an employer or a parent and would like more information on family friendly working policies or our 2018 awards, please call on 028 9267 8200 or contact hello@employersforchildcare.org.