Consultation Responses

Representing the views of parents

We seek to represent the views of parents with dependent children on issues relating to childcare, employment, and work-life balance. We do so by responding to relevant consultations and inviting parents to have their say, thereby ensuring that their views are represented.

Get in touch for more information or call 028 9267 8200.


Finance Committee scrutiny of Northern Ireland draft Budget

Consultation Response
May 2024

Employers For Childcare's submission to the Assembly's Finance Committee on the Northern Ireland draft Budget

Draft Budget 2022-25 consultation response

Consultation Response
February 2022

Employers For Childcare's response to the Draft Budget 2022-25

The experience of children in poverty with no recourse to public funds

Consultation Response
September 2021

Employers For Childcare responds to Work and Pensions Committee consultation.

Skills Strategy needs to have stronger focus on vital role of childcare and early education to the economy

Consultation Response
August 2021

Employers For Childcare responds to the Skills Strategy consultation.

Draft Budget 2021-22 consultation

Consultation Response
February 2021

Employers For Childcare responds to the Northern Ireland Draft Budget 2021-22 consultation.

All Party Parliamentary Group on Poverty calls for evidence on maintaining the £20 uplift to Universal Credit

Consultation Response
January 2021

Employers For Childcare submits evidence to All Party Parliamentary Group on Poverty.

Joint inquiry into Northern Ireland’s welfare policy

Consultation Response
June 2019

Employers For Childcare's response to welfare inquiry.

Outcomes Delivery Plan 2018-19

Consultation Response
June 2018

Executive Office Outcomes Delivery Plan for Northern Ireland 2018-19

Proposed Framework of Future Provision for Children in the Early Years with Special Educational Needs

Consultation Response
May 2018

Proposed Framework of Future Provision for Children in the Early Years with Special Educational Needs

Treasury Committee Inquiry: Childcare policy and its influence on the economy

Consultation Response
February 2018

Employers For Childcare has responded to the Treasury Committee’s Inquiry into childcare policy and its influence on the economy.