Consultation Responses
Representing the views of parents
We seek to represent the views of parents with dependent children on issues relating to childcare, employment, and work-life balance. We do so by responding to relevant consultations and inviting parents to have their say, thereby ensuring that their views are represented.
Get in touch for more information or call 028 9267 8200.
Children and Young People’s Strategy 2017-27
Consultation Response
February 2017
Consultation Response: Children and Young People's Strategy 2017-27
Programme for Government 2016-2021 Response
Consultation Response
December 2016
The Programme for Government sets the strategic direction of policy for the next five years.
Refocus of the Northern Ireland Economic Strategy: Call for Evidence
Consultation Response
August 2016
Following Assembly elections in May 2016, the Executive wished to consider how the Economic Strategy should be refocused to reflect current economic conditions.
Delivering Social Change Through Childcare
Consultation Response
November 2015
Delivering Social Change Through Childcare is the Executive’s draft ten year Childcare Strategy.
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